January 2024 Sprint

Andamio Project Management Platform

Internal Team Test - Preprod Instance

First things first, check if you have a contributor token i.e. of policy id fa4758733ad1b6b15e797ff19e57769ff874c3bfe001b04a6682f1e4. If not then proceed to next section.

If you have an admin token i.e. of policy id dcb8862f38968b30b5499458d45dc2055e269ba469f6b3a73fd73922 you will be able to mint a contributor token as mentioned above. If not drop a text with your preprod address in discord tagging @nelsonksh.

Creating a project

If you have an admin token you can create a project. To create a project,

Committing to a project

If you have an contributor token you can commit to a project.

Note: Before you commit to a project you have to make sure if your reward address is configured to your current address where your contributor token is held.

Distributing Rewards for a commitment

If you have an dicider token which are circle specific, you can distribute the rewards for a commitment of a project belonging to that circle. The policy ids are

If you require a decider token and does not have one, reach out to @james.

Denying a commitment

Will update soon.

Changing your reward address

Will update soon.